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Saturday, March 21, 2020

I totally forgot that I had this blog.  It has been that long.  I can't figure out (like I want to) the whole Canvas thing, so I am going to be posting things for my classroom here.  Hopefully it will benefit some. 

There have been SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many posts about freebies, online classess, etc.    It is quite overwhelming.  Then to top it off, getting back in the swing of things at school and teaching remotely/online.

This is a post for the kiddos in my classroom.  Don't forget about all of these AWESOME resources that we have used in the classroom and the new ones that we haven't used.  Here goes.

1.  CISD Parent Resources
2.  SeeSaw - (I will email the log in information.)  ***WE WILL BE USING THIS.***
3.  Get Epic (I will email the log in information.)
4.  Discovery Education (This can be accessed through the student's SSO).  Here is the link for the
     Student Portal -   Student Portal
5.  Pebble Go (I will email the log in information.)
6.  Capstone (I will email the log in information.)
7.  National Geographic for Kids
8.  Brain Pop (I will email the log in information.)
9.  History for Kids
10.  Storyline Online
11.  Typing Club (I will email the log in information.)

I am sure there will be more to come.  PLEASE DO NOT FEEL THAT YOU HAVE TO USE THESE ALL OF THE TIME.  They are just suggestions.
You will want to use the CISD Parent Resources and SeeSaw.
Please let me know if you have any questions.